About Us

About Us

Welcome to our haven of enlightenment and growth.

I am a qualified MBBS doctor, but my passion doesn't stop at medicine. Every individual is a complex tapestry of experiences, needs, and aspirations. My journey of diving deep into this understanding started with a transformative book by Dr. P. J. Saher. As I flipped its pages, a whole new universe unveiled itself, reshaping my perspective and setting me on a path of relentless curiosity.

As someone deeply in love with reading, I found solace and wisdom in the pages of books. Not just medical literature, but books spanning diverse subjects – from the profound depths of spirituality to the strategic intricacies of startups, business, and decision-making. Every book I picked up became a chapter in my ever-growing story, eventually culminating in a personal collection of over 10,000 books.

But I realized early on that reading is just one part of the journey. The true magic happens when you apply that newfound knowledge to real-life situations. This insight led me to transform the lessons from these thousands of books into meticulously crafted courses. Today, our platform boasts over 200 courses, each designed to give you a deeper understanding of various facets of life, be it personal, spiritual, or professional. And the best part? This list grows every single day.

Every course is curated with a simple philosophy – to cater to your unique needs, life situations, and problems. After all, personal growth is most effective when it is tailored to individual circumstances. And that's what we offer here – a personalized path to enlightenment and self-improvement, built upon the vast wealth of knowledge that literature provides.

So, whether you're seeking spiritual depth, entrepreneurial insights, or sharper decision-making skills, you're in the right place. Join us in this journey of lifelong learning, where every lesson is a stepping stone to a more fulfilled and enlightened life.

Welcome to a world where literature meets life. Welcome to our world.

Long-term Vision and Trajectory

DK Brain Mission

To empower and certify 100 million individuals as "Zenogis" by 2030, denoting individuals who possess profound knowledge in spirituality, personal finance, and least biased decision-making.

DK Brain Vision

To simplify and disseminate the knowledge contained in books, making it easily accessible to the widest audience possible.

DK Brain's Values

Prioritizing actionable knowledge and spiritual freedom for all, fostering a comfortable life, and empowering individuals with the right information to make sound decisions.

Meet our team

At DK Brain, our driving force stems from the vision and dedication of our formidable team:

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Ashish Shukla

As the Founder and CEO, Ashish is the cornerstone of DK Brain. With his unwavering passion and relentless commitment, he has spearheaded our journey towards creating an ecosystem of knowledge and enlightenment.

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Dr. Rimpy Shukla

Our co-founder, Dr. Rimpy Shukla, brings a unique blend of expertise and insight to the team. Her academic prowess and innovative thinking have been instrumental in shaping the core ethos of DK Brain.

Together, Ashish and Dr. Rimpy have fostered a culture of excellence, guiding the DK Brain family to reach greater heights and make a meaningful impact on the lives of our learners.