
"The Strategy course provides a comprehensive exploration of effective planning, decision-making, and execution to achieve long-term organizational goals in dynamic and competitive environments."


135 Contents


33 Hours




7 Students Enrolled

Course Overview

Strategic Analysis: The course begins with an in-depth examination of strategic analysis, equipping participants with the skills to assess internal and external factors that impact an organization's performance and competitive positioning.

Formulation of Strategic Objectives: Participants learn how to formulate clear and measurable strategic objectives aligned with an organization's mission, vision, and values, ensuring a cohesive direction for the entire enterprise.

Implementation Strategies: The course delves into the practical aspects of strategy execution, exploring various implementation tactics, resource allocation, and organizational alignment to turn strategic plans into actionable initiatives.

Adaptability and Innovation: Emphasis is placed on fostering adaptability and innovation within strategic frameworks, preparing participants to navigate unexpected challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Evaluation and Adjustment: The course concludes with a focus on continuous improvement, teaching participants how to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented strategies and make necessary adjustments to stay responsive to evolving market dynamics.

Course Content

img 135 Lectures img 33 Hours
  • 11. Walmart vs kmart

  • 12. Walmart 150 store per 1million population

  • 13. Cold war strategy

  • 14. How USSR fell

  • 15. Reasons for bad strategy

  • 16. Where is NATO strategy

  • 17. Bad strategy FLUFF

  • 18. Enron strategy a FLUFF

  • 19. Elephant in the room

  • 20. Harvester vs DARPA strategy

  • 21. 20/20 is no strategy

  • 22. Only Pushing is dangerous

  • 23. Goals not strategy

  • 24. Job of general manager

  • 25. Dogs dinner khichdi

  • 26. Blue sky lists

  • 27. Bad strategy for 991 schools

  • 28. DEC

  • 29. Intell changed how

  • 30. Beginning of charismatic leadership

  • 31. Template style strategy

  • 32. New thought

  • 33. Shared vision

  • 34. What is not

  • 35. Three parts

  • 36. Diagnosis

  • 37. business is alive

  • 38. Diagnosis must call for action

  • 39. NATO & SEATO wrong diagnosis

  • 40. Guiding policy

  • 41. Strategy of small shop

  • 42. Coherent actions

  • 43 Simplify complexity

  • 44. Coherent actions

  • 45. Leverage

  • 46. Coordination needs design

  • 47. Anticipation

  • 48. Not easy to anticipate

  • 49. OPEC storm

  • 50. Deep understanding of business is strategy

  • 51. Getty trust and art revolution

  • 52. Proximite objective man on moon

  • 53. Proximite Objective helps

  • 54. Ambiguity and business leader

  • 55. Strong position more options

  • 56. to become global business schoo

  • 57. Lesson from helicopter flying

  • 58. Chain link system

  • 59. Turning around

  • 60. Hannibal father of strategy

  • 61. How Hannibal did this

  • 62. How Hannibal anticipated

  • 63. Mercedes design

  • 64. Many parts linking perfect

  • 65. Your business Arch is must

  • 66. Understand Arch of enterprise well

  • 67. Paccar order in chaos

  • 68. China companies

  • 69. Crown cork seal case

  • 70. Cork crown target

  • 71. Crown cork and seal 2

  • 72. Crown cork seal final final strategy

  • 73. Trying to grow

  • 74. Growth is not always good

  • 75. Mergers without understanding

  • 76. Growth is result of

  • 77. You do not know gorilla fight

  • 78. US fights with Gorilla

  • 79. Competitive advantage

  • 80. Interesting advantage

  • 81. Add value to commodity

  • 82. Silver machine case

  • 83. Adding value

  • 84. Expanding advantage

  • 85. Creating brands

  • 86. increasing demand

  • 87. End competition

  • 88. Use dynamics in business

  • 89. The next wave

  • 90. Small group shifted nations wealth

  • 91. Intell discovery

  • 92. How computers disruption

  • 93. Cisco rides 3 waves

  • 94. Guidpost for next wave

  • 95. Deregulation

  • 96. Predictable biases

  • 97. Attractive traction

  • 98. Inertia & entropy

  • 99. Inertia and airline deregulation

  • 100. After deregulation

  • 101. AT & T Culture inertia

  • 102. Culture change

  • 103. Inertia by proxy

  • 104. Consultants bread & butter

  • 105. General motors

  • 106. Think like strategist

  • 107. Marketing without advertising

  • 108. Engineers & strategy is useless

  • 109. Entrophy

  • 110. Strategy is hypotheses

  • 111. Trust your data & experiments

  • 112. Anomaly

  • 113. Expresso Anomaly

  • 114. Coffee machine an old idea

  • 115. Starbucks learning

  • 116. Starbucks vertically integrated

  • 117. My best interview

  • 118. Make a list of most important

  • 119. How did we think

  • 120. Important decision need Deep thinking

  • 121. 120.Strategy || Art of thinking needs time

  • 122. 3 things to make strategy

  • 123. Kernel of business

  • 124. Problem solving in business

  • 125. Your own team of experts

  • 126. How to make right judgement

  • 127. What is most important in your business

  • 128. 750 million dollar investment global crossing

  • 129. Cost and capacity

  • 130. Global crossing bankrupt

  • 131. Things are not clear as black and white

  • 132. 5 points of 2008 bubble

  • 133. Outside view of recession

  • 134. Before buying land

  • 135. Few important homework